Bayer Consumer Health - Consulting


Bayer Innovation Days.png

Three-day innovation event in Basel, Switzerland partnership:

  1. Day 1: Keynote- Kick off the event with inspiring how to keynote to empower employees.

  2. Day 2: Coach -Innovation teams to polish ideas and make actionable for hackathon. Mentored eight teams through ideation, design and pitch.

  3. Day 3: Judging-Review completed system pitches with other judges.


Responsible for winning “team toilet” to create a smart toilet pod for digestive health!




"I was totally impressed by your energy, how open you address things, not only positive ones and how you turn these challenges into opportunity. I feel very inspired by having seen your presentation and even meeting you! I definitely changed my thinking even though I thought I am already at the forefront (in Bayer) in terms of innovation and culture change." -Dominic Bosch, Digital Solutions Manager Bayer

"My personal eye-opening moment was to see you work as a coach. The way you understood the teams and was so sharp and fast to give them advice is astonishing." -Ekaterina Kharitonova
Global Digital Excellence Bayer Consumer Care AG


"To put it simply, Chris was laser-focused. He understood our idea in a heartbeat, and the questions he asked allowed us to crystallize both our biggest challenges and opportunities. His suggestions were useful and his insights proved accurate, giving us that extra clarity at the right moment - we went into overdrive after meeting with him!

”In hindsight, and also after the consumer results came in, it's even more impressive how on-point he was with his remarks. He was also very inclusive of the whole team and had more questions to ask than statements to make - the right balance for a coach."

"Simply outstanding, 5 hours of work from the team were twisted and shaped by him in just 5 minutes so, he put us in the right track to win the Hackathon."

"Chris’ keynote during our Innovation days made a lasting impression on me. The strong personal message and how connecting the data-dots improved his life, combined with some very thought-provoking statements such as “measure what you value, don’t value what you measure” meant that he was a great start into the 3-day-experience.

"I was expecting something different from his talk and was positively surprised. He showed nicely in his talk that there is an evolution / a story behind where he is coming from, where he is now and where he wants to go. His way of looking at things are truly disruptive.”

Very empowering person with an attitude to find a core value in a proposition or project. Also, he is not shy in mentioning aspects he is off different opinion, but does so in a constructive manner – much appreciated support and challenger for the Hackathon! I enjoyed his support in the day, during our presentation and also his presentation in Day 1! Needless to state, he is extremely up to date on technology and its direct and indirect implications.Would immediately go to another of his sessions!"