The morning started with mediation and breakfast before heading out to a few appointments.

First stop, the bank where I needed to exchange Euros for US Dollars and get some additional cash for the weekend.

Inside the branch my teller, Derek inquires "Do you have your ATM Card, it would be quicker for you"

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Jobless in the age of the Inner-net

As Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook march steadily toward the health ecosystem it's time we turn our attention toward three emerging trends that will shape tomorrow’s marketplace.

No tech product, device, application or service will not have a health component within ten years. By 2025 technology like food revolution of the 70's and 80's will be labeled and regulated. Also like food many people will continue to ignore the warning labels and many nations will be forced to step in and regulate our intake of information. 

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Chris Dancy Comment
Oh God, The Future has QUESTIONS.

I'm often asked by journalist for answers to questions about the future.

The call for help, reminds me of a scene from the movie "Oh, God!" starring George Burns in 1977.

In the scene, no one believes that "Jerry Landers", aka John Denver can talk to God.

So "Jerry Landers" is put on trial and given a bunch of questions that only "God" can answer. 

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ThinkingChris DancyComment
Obsolescence is a technological hate crime

In 2010, I was laughed offstage. Again. This was beginning to be a pattern. 

This was the year I created a presentation regarding the the impending economic disruption digital would cause. For two years I presented this information throughout Europe, Australia, and the US. This was when I started to be ridiculed by many of my peers within the ITSM industry.

After almost two decades in the business, I had become skilled at anticipating the direction of IT professionals and their customers. While much of the original presentation may be difficult to understand, I think you will agree that it was an urgent message for all white-collar workers in 2010. 

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Life after the Internet

Children born in 2016 will never use passwords, keyboards or worry about battery life.

The internet will be something leftover from their parents, iphones will be old fashion and wearable computing will be “clothing”.

They will live in a world of software updates and firmware patches.

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Meta-Ted talks

Often I find my story in other peoples's presentations. It's humbling to discovery other people find my years of body hacking inspirational or at minimum "noteworthy".
Today I came across a Tedx Talk from Sept 29, 2014 by Lauren Constantini. The gentleness of her story was very kind.

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ThinkingChris DancyComment