Jobless in the age of the Inner-net

As Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook march steadily toward the health ecosystem it's time we turn our attention toward three emerging trends that will shape tomorrows marketplace.

No tech product, device, application or service will not have a health component within ten years. By 2025 technology like food revolution of the 70's and 80's will be labeled and regulated. Also like food many people will continue to ignore the warning labels and many nations will be forced to step in and regulate our intake of information. 

From SaaS to TV's everything will have a wellbeing level about it. 

We are in the age of the hyper local biological mesh network, which I have referred since 2011 as the "Inner-net".

How did we get here and what is driving this new shift in awareness?


There are an estimated 2 billion smart phones on the planet today each with a minimum of 12 sensors. Todays newest phones carry a whopping 17 sensors per device. This translates into an amazing 7 billion phones by 2020 and world with close to a trillion sensors in our phones and smart devices. The data and sensors in the world is outpacing our ability to crunch these numbers and make them accessible to todays consumers.

Convenience and Privacy:

Today's consumers are becoming accustom to trading personal information in return for convenience. While consumers do not see convenience transactions as "privacy" based they in fact are becoming much more than private, we are starting to trade in intimate information.

Services like Uber using location, Spotify using behavior are giving way to apps that monitor the repositories of biological information such as Apple Health, Research Kit and Google Fit.

Increasingly consumers are willing to trade this rich data for services that turn their "worried well" lives into manageable time sensitive services.

User Interface:

2016 Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google are all changing the interface with technology. AI, Bots and micro services are now things of the recent past. No longer do we build applications, website or games. Commonly we immerse ourselves into VR, the internet of things and wearables. Our devices morph into our homes, cars and bodies as we become walking web services.  Apple watch sits on our wrist watching our location with our heart rate and credit cards tucked neatly inside.  Apple Carplay allows our automobiles to become the most expensive phone cases we own. Apple Homekit and Apple TV transform the application experience to wrap around us in real time. While Amazon is busy building "Skills" for their voice controlled Alexia smart home appliance. Alexia is becoming more popular than Amazon’s own Kindle.

We must stop and ask ourselves, who do we build digital solutions for and what interface will they use?

Today the interface is our voice, homes, cars and biology. 

In the near future products will be inhabited by our behaviors, a form of "hyper-personalization" will occur as smart objects take on your identity. 

This new world will be a platform much more powerful than the internet and it will be controlled by corporate giants who buy and sell your behavior on an open market. 

The Inner-Net:

Just as the world did in 1996 as it embraced the internet with standardized web browsers, email clients and HTML, in 2016 it is time to embrace the “inner-net” and develop the next generation of platforms and services to help billions of people who are unable to grasp the complexity of the information of their life, health and family.

Looking at digital health in 2016 we must stop and address these three shifts in our privacy, lives and computing systems.

In world with no visible interface to the internet, collecting the most intimate details of our bodies and lives in real-time and returning them to us in the form of services that just work, it is time to face the challenge and build the world's leading generation of life-care services that is always on, always there.

What are the jobs, skills and leaders of the future shaped by? In a world were coding will become a commodity and the most advanced degrees in science and math will not matter are we prepared to talk about a future where we will need to care for every person on the planet?

Our greatest achievement will be the compassion we build into the systems we are creating today not the ease, automation and convenience of services that no one will be able to afford in the short term.

Be a revolutionary, go build something kind and beautiful. 

Chris Dancy1 Comment