Zapier Opens Its Developer Platform, Gives The Everyday Joe A Way To Connect APIs Chris DancyJanuary 17, 2014Domestic, Interview, Print, CaliforniaComment
Chris Dancy, the "World's Most Quantified Man," to Kick-off Innovator Summit Preconference at RootsTech Chris DancyJanuary 16, 2014Domestic, New York, Interest, PrintComment
Christory 2014 - Rise of the Inner-Net Chris DancyJanuary 2, 2014Domestic, Media, Video, CaliforniaComment
Meatspace, A World Of Animated Gifs, Human Robots And The Ephemerality Of Snapchat-Like Apps Chris DancyJanuary 1, 2014Domestic, Interest, Print, CalifroniaComment
What the Quantified Self and Big Data Mean for Social Media Chris DancyDecember 18, 2013Domestic, New York, Interest, PrintComment
Incredible Tech: How Life Will Change With Smart Homes Chris DancyDecember 12, 2013Domestic, New york, Interest, PrintComment
Getting to know all about you Chris DancyDecember 9, 2013Domestic, Boston, Interest, Print, MassachusettsComment
Applebee’s Tableside Tablets to Bring Interactivity to Dining Chris DancyDecember 5, 2013Domestic, New York, Interest, PrintComment