Chris Dancy is touted as “the Most Connected Man on Earth,” and the world is watching those connections carefully.”

"You wowed us all! Real life stories from patients are invaluable. Tears and laughs to the audience and me”
Adrienne Boissy, MD, MA
Chief Experience Officer, Cleveland Clinic
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"Chris brings equal measures of authenticity, uniqueness, innovation and genius to his work and thinking in the areas of IT, connectivity, and modern cybernetics in healthcare and beyond.”
Brant J. Oliver
Assistant Professor, The Dartmouth Institute & Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
📘Book -“Don’t Unplug”
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"When Chris Dancy says he’s our future, we should take it as both invitation and threat. If you want to optimize human beings for cyborg reality, this is the direction to go.”
Douglas Rushkoff
Media Theorist and best selling author
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Over the years I’ve been asked by different educational institutions to teach (Dartmouth) or guest lecture about the topic of wearables, digital health, and other interesting modern-day topics. Recently a high school physical education teacher reached out to me with questions from his kids who were studying my work. It’s never too early to talk to your kids, friends or family about your digital body.